This is called postural control.
Keep the knees over the toes to prevent a flat or rounded spine. Bend the knees. The knees should always come toward the ankle, not the feet, if possible. When you use the muscles of the lower legs, you should keep them strong and flexible. If the hips or pelvis move with the legs while you stand, you put excessive stress on the spinal area.
This puts you at risk of injury and prevents you from holding a balanced posture. Stabilize the hips and pelvis by getting into a neutral spine position, or as close as you can get. Avoid leaning forward or backward excessively. Keep your upper back flexible but not hunched over. You shouldn't look down. Stand tall and tall, but bend your knees at the ankle. Your knees should over your toes to prevent a rounded spine. If you have a tendency to bend forward over time, stand on one side of your body and do a knee drop for 30 seconds. When you begin, bend the knees over the toes. 11 Do a leg raise—make a few leg movements that are easy and repeat them frequently.
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Stand tall and tall, but bend your knees at the ankles. Your knees should over your toes to prevent a rounded spine. Do a leg raise in a straight line from your belly to your head. Keep your back straight while bending the knees, but do it slowly. If you lean forward, let your head go down just a little. 16 Hold the legs straight and the body tall.